"Not everyone can make a ruler, maybe they don't buy paper, maybe dont buy pencils, maybe have a gargantulic monitor (like I do, but I would never cheat anyway)". this aper how ever is it a bot? is it a peice of code laugage written to aim for you? exatcly the awnser is no. no not your self you the bot dose it making the word aimbot. now this certain type of bot is used to aim for you. the term bot refers to a program made through a code language. i also noticed you called the ruler an aimbot if you look up i tell you why its not aimbot here it is: "what im saying is there taking the word aimbot out of context its literly AIM BOT a bot that aims for you this is a ruler, a ruler you use to aim for your self and you the one doing the math and calculating wheres its going to land instead of a BOT aiming for you if you were useing aim bot like the on in the vid that cobalt posted thats an example of a program designed to aim for all the lazy shi.ts now if you look at the shellshock ruler its an example of a ♥♥♥♥ of paper designed so that you can calculate were its going to land your self" still dont get ok let me explain again so your simplified brain dosnt need wikipiedia anymore. now what is hacking ? yes also a form of unbalnced advantiges.

to start off cheating is a form unbalanced advantiges not power. İlk olarak breadfan2 tarafından gönderildi:ok let me see what do you have wrong here.