Invincible scrake killing floor 2
Invincible scrake killing floor 2

invincible scrake killing floor 2

And it’s not undeserved: KF is a surprisingly intelligent, well-balanced, and highly-addictive co-operative multiplayer that delivers intense, fast-paced and rewarding action while putting a critical emphasis on tactics, teamwork and communication. Yet despite its wobbly production values, this is an indie PC game that has sold around 3 million copies since its commercial release in 2009 (originally beginning life as a mod for UT2004 back in 2005) and which still enjoys a strong player base and vibrant modding community six years later.

invincible scrake killing floor 2

There’s no denying the repetitive gameplay, graphics that were dated on release, clichéd monsters (known as zeds/specimens), hammy voice acting, cringe-worthy jokes, generic metal soundtrack, and a clunky and buggy interface. On the first encounter, you’d be forgiven for writing it off as just another brain-dead zombie survival FPS. KF2 is more a polished remake than the sequel.

Invincible scrake killing floor 2