Profile Quizzes Subscribed Subscribe? Rate: Nominate. Featuring all 9 diamond species on the map!.i got the same bison on Hirschfeldon, chilling out, i call him The SupervisorHow many of the maps in theHunter: Call of the Wild can you name? Quiz by FlyingPenguin. More Guides: The Hunter: Call of the Wild25malx maine heavy equipment craigslist 6 No views 48 seconds ago Here's a cool diamond & rare montage of some of the Diamonds I've gotten on Hirschfelden + Hirschfelden Hotspots!.

Layton Lake District Map 16 Marked Lookout points. Febru0 Hirschfelden Map 18 Marked Lookout points. This guide contains maps with icons that mark where the collectable are at and it has images of those locations to help you identify the proper locations of these sheds/artifacts. This is a guide for any completionists who are looking for all of the collectables hidden throughout Hirschfelden.Call of the wild hirschfelden map i got the same bison on Hirschfeldon, chilling out, i call him The Supervisori got the same bison on Hirschfeldon, chilling out, i call him The Supervisor